Healing Clinic
Acupuncture Therapist in Crawley
Dr Vahid Ziadlou, Medical Doctor,
TCM Acupuncturist
Acupuncture: Proven Treatment, Helping thousands to recover
Questions we are most frequently asked about Acupuncture
Acupuncture Clinic
How does Acupuncture work?
Stimulation of Acupuncture points activate the nerves and send impulses to the brain and body's defence system causing them to release different bio chemicals. This start the process of healing and the balance in the body. This stimulate the general health and wellbeing, not only relieving the symptoms but also correcting the root of the problems.
How many treatments will I need?
This depends on your condition and how you respond to treatment. Each patient is different. We usually find that an older person will respond to the treatment at a slower rate and response to treatment is more rapid in some conditions than others. On average a course of treatment usually comprise of 8-12 sessions. For some conditions such as Depression and fertility more treatments will be needed.
Is it painful when the needles are inserted?
The needles commonly used in Acupuncture are very thin and usually painless when inserted.
You may experience a slight tingling. However once they are in place, you should not feel them. Most of our patients say they feel relaxed, uplifted and positive whilst having their Acupuncture treatments.
When will l start to see an improvement?
This depends on your condition. For example with musculoskeletal pain improvement is usually rapid. with the other conditions such as depression, improvements usually built gently from treatment to treatment.
will I need to continue with treatment to remain symtom free?
Once your course of treatment has concluded and your health has improved, you may need 'top up' Acupuncture treatment on a fortnightly or monthly basis. We will advise you if this is the case.
Carlton Clinic Horley
71A Victoria Road, Horley
Healing Clinic Crawley
Exampes of available treatments
Menstural problems, Menopause
Musculo-Skeletal problem
Sport injuries
Sciatica, Low back pain
Arthritis, Frozen shoulder
Migrane, Headache
Sleeping disorder
Anxiety / Depression
Asthma, Allergy, Hay fever
Skin Problems, Eczema, Hives
Facial paralysis, Trigeminal neuralgia
Facial Rejuvenation
Hair loss, Alopecia
this list is not exhaustive. if you do not see your condition above please contact us.